Help in uploading

First, you have to choose whether you want to upload an offline form or fill out the form online:

Fill out the online form

Default values (required)
You have to fill the default fields which are the same all the records you want to upload:
Attaching sound file (required)
For uploading each file, you have to click on the attach button within the actual row:

The sound files and data have to meet some requirements to be included in our database:
  • Maximum size 20 MB.
  • It is ideal but not mandatory to contain only one clear and complete sequence from an animal.
  • Good call/background noise ratio; the sequence has to be clearly identifiable.
  • Trim the recording to include only the part that contains bat calls. Pay attention to the spectrographic view, which shows only the first 1 second of the real-time recording.
  • You can upload sound files in wav or zc (zero-crossing) format.
Taxon name (required)
You have to fill out the taxon name as scientific latin name in Genus species format. If you want to indicate the subspecies, fill out the Subspecies field separately.
Date of the recording (required)
Coordinates of the recording (required)
You can either give the coordinates in the Latitude and Longitude columns or use the built in map tool:

For using map tool:
Country of the recording (required)
Method (required)
You have to select the recording method from the list:
Recording type (required)
You have to select the recording type from the list:
Access type (required)
You have to select the access type from the list:

Specifications for User Access of Data

A) Calls and the associated data will be available to the general public for viewing and downloading under one of the below licenses:

CC0: data are made available for any use without restriction or particular requirements on the part of users
CC BY: data are made available for any use provided that attribution is properly given
CC BY-NC: data are made available for any use provided that attribution is properly given and the use is non-commercial
CC BY-NC-ND: data are made available provided that attribution is properly given but the material modified by any way may not be distributed and the use is non-commercial.

B) Only associated data will be available to the public; calls can only be accessed
if the Rights Holder is contacted by the User and permission is granted. If a response to a call download request is not given within 3 months from the date of the original request, the rights transfer to the ChiroVox steering committee which has the right to decide if the calls can be released to the requesting User.

Optional fields
Several optional fields can be filled out to further detail the circumstances of the sound recording.